Forward Science Blog

Inside Dental Hygiene Spotlights Forward Science’s Gold Award Winners for Oral Cancer Screening Excellence

Inside Dentistry and Inside Dental Hygiene have proudly shared Forward Science's announcement of the annual Gold Award winners, recognizing outstanding dedication to oral cancer screening using OralID.

Forward Science Continues to Lead the Fight Against Oral Cancer with OralID from Conexiant Dental

Conexiant Dental recently highlighted Forward Science's ongoing commitment to fighting oral cancer with OralID. As the U.S. braces for over 2 million new cancer cases in 2024, oral cancer remains a critical concern due to stagnant survival rates over the past three decades.

Forward Science Announces Annual Gold Award Winners Honoring Excellence in Oral Cancer Screening with OralID

Forward Science is proud to announce the recipients of the annual Forward Science Gold Awards, recognizing outstanding dedication and commitment to oral cancer screening using OralID. This prestigious award celebrates one doctor and one...

Oral Cancer Screening with OralID Returns to Oncology Professional Care 2024 in Partnership with The Swallows Head and Neck Cancer Support Group

Discover how Forward Science’s international partners in the UK, "The Swallows Head and Neck Cancer Support Group", are making a difference by raising awareness and screening for oral cancer with OralID.

Forward Science Continues to Lead the Fight Against Oral Cancer with OralID

In 2024, more than 2 million new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in the US. Despite advancements in technology and increased awareness, oral cancer remains an outlier, as survival rates have not increased for over three decades.

Elite Dental Podcast - OralID, Oral Cancer Screenings

Discover the power of early detection with OralID on the latestepisode of Elite Dental Podcast! Join experts as they discuss their oralcancer screening protocols and emphasize the crucial role of OralID.

SalivaMAX Research Continues to Support Product Efficacy and Show Additional Benefits

"SalivaMAX has been one of those products that has proven to have many different uses for patient's oral healthcare" shares Forward Science's Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Brian Pikkula.

SalivaMAX Research Continues to Support Product Efficacy and Show Additional Benefits

Houston, TX (February 2024) – Since Forward Science's FDA Clearance of SalivaMAX on December 23, 2015, the company has consistently demonstrated the product's effectiveness through multiple clinical studies.

Forward Science: MedTech that Listens By: Anjuli Avis, CRDH

Check out the latest LinkedIn article by Anjuli Avis, CRDH, "Forward Science: A MedTech ThatListens," where she shares her firsthand experience touring Forward Science facilities with theSage Dental Hygiene Team.